5 Myths of Erectile Dysfunction — Debunked

Most people don’t particularly enjoy talking about erectile dysfunction . While it’s easy to understand why, we’re also concerned that a general lack of discussion around the topic erectile dysfunction merely allows harmful myths to perpetuate. We’re here to set the record straight. Myth 1: I’m Alone in This When you’re dealing with an issue that your friends would rather sweep under the rug than talk about, it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one suffering. According to British Colombia Medical Journal , people suffering from ED are definitely not alone. A cross-sectiona l study of 3921 Canadian men, age 40 to 88, found the overall prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) was 49.4%, and therefore ED affects an estimated 3 million Canadian men over the age of 40. Take heart. You’re definitely not alone. If you don’t believe us, pose the question with your guy friends. Our guess is at least one of them is going through it too! Myth 2: It’s All in...