A Man’s Guide to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
In Canada, about one in four men over the age of 30 test low for testosterone on blood work but only a fraction of them seek treatment. A lot of times, this happens because the symptoms can be passed off as “normal signs of getting older” or even symptoms of other conditions unrelated to low-testosterone. It also stems from a lack of understanding of what low-testosterone is and how it can affect you as a male.
As you get older, it’s natural to see regular drops in testosterone usually around 1.5 to 2%. These drops correlate with other health symptoms you may be experiencing such as cardiovascular disease and obesity.

How to Know If You Have Low Testosterone
Low Testosterone shows itself in many different forms and varies from person to person. For example, some men may experience more psychological symptoms of low-testosterone such as decreased motivation and low self esteem while others may experience physical symptoms like erectile dysfunction and lack of energy or increased fatigue. Here are some more examples below:
Physical Symptoms of Low Testosterone
- Erectile dysfunction
- Premature ejaculation
- Lack of energy, fatigue
- Decreased endurance
- Muscle weakness, loss of strength
- Aches, joint and muscle pains
- Deterioration in work performance, sports
- Weight gain, increased abdominal fat
- Increased hair loss
Psychological Symptoms of Low Testosterone
- Low sex drive
- Decreased motivation
- Decreased enjoyment of life
- Low self-esteem
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Grumpy, irritability
- Mood swings
- Brain fog
If you’ve experienced any of the above symptoms and you’re over the age of thirty, it might be worth it to run some tests to see if you are experiencing low testosterone. The process of figuring it out is quite simple — all it takes is a blood test.
What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Testosterone is a natural hormone responsible for the normal growth and development of certain male organs and for maintenance of other masculine traits. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a unique type of hormone replacement therapy designed to restore healthy testosterone levels in someone who suffers from low T.
TRT works by giving your body the testosterone it needs to function properly. Testosterone is the primary androgen in males (and females) and has an impact on many biological processes that are necessary for health and longevity.
For example, low T is associated with an increased risk of type-2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and a myriad of other debilitating health conditions. Having low T also makes it significantly harder to build (and retain) muscle mass, since testosterone is a potent anabolic hormone and directly impacts muscle protein synthesis.
Intuitively, if your body doesn’t produce enough testosterone on its own, your health will start to suffer until you fix the issue. Thus, TRT works by bringing your body back to a healthy range for testosterone, which then slowly begins to reverse the symptoms of low T. Once a steady baseline dose of testosterone has been established on TRT, most men notice an improvement in their energy levels, vitality, and quality of life.
The Process of Figuring Out if You Need TRT
The process of figuring out if you need TRT is quite simple — it starts with a blood test. If you took a look at the list above and think there’s a possibility you might have low testosterone, your first step is to do an online medical assessment where you’ll answer questions about yourself, your symptoms and your medical history. ON MEN’s secure online medical assessment is completely confidential.
Once we receive your blood work and determine you are a good fit for testosterone replacement therapy, you will speak to a licensed Physician that specializes in men’s health over a secure video call to discuss your personalized treatment plan.
From there, we will deliver your customized treatment plan to your doorstep. Your prescription will be automatically refilled every ninety days but can be cancelled at any time. Prescription testosterone meds are usually covered by insurance plans. Our pharmacy partner will send you a detailed receipt of the medicine that can be easily used to claim reimbursement through your health insurance company.
Life After TRT
Most patients who use TRT notice an improvement in their health within the first month. Some common benefits include:
- An increase in your sex drive
- Improved energy levels
- Better sleep
- Stronger erections
- More confidence
- Hair growth
- Improved bone and joint health
And more!
Next Steps
If you have any questions, please feel free to message us through our chat box or email us at support@onmen.ca.
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