Mental Health Tips During Social Distancing
ON MEN Co-Founder and Men’s Health Specialist, Dr. Joseph Larson, walks you through 5 (easy) tips to protect your mental health during social distancing.
In any given year, one in five Canadians will be affected by mental illness. It affects people of all ages, income levels and cultures and during these trying times, I think it’s more important than ever to take care of ourselves and our loved ones.
Here are a few tips for mental wellness throughout the pandemic.
Set up a routine to help a sense of normalcy during these times. This includes getting up, getting dressed and working from a dedicated work area, if working from home. It’s also very important to continue to strive for your 8 hours of sleep per night. This should also include trying to go to bed and waking up at the same time as normal. It’s been shown very clearly that poor sleep has hugely detrimental effects on your well-being and your mental health.
Exercise has shown to be one of the most reliable and effective ways of improving well-being. Not only is it excellent for your physical health but has great benefits for mental health as well. It can improve your mood, concentration and productivity. Yes, gyms are closed during this time, but there are other ways to exercise. This can include at home exercises or going out for a run while maintaining social distancing. Finally, if you’re quarantining with your partner, then sex would also be a wonderful and fun form of exercise to partake in.
Ensure you make time for yourself. It is important to set aside some time to do things that you enjoy doing. Whether this is reading, writing, playing video games, exercising, whatever it may be. It is important that you find the time to do these things that you enjoy for your own well-being.
Stay connected, but do it the right way. Try not to scroll for endless hours on Instagram or Facebook looking at people’s feeds, but instead set up virtual dinner parties with your friends through online video conferencing apps so you can see and interact with them in real time.
Get over the dark. Sunshine, daylight and fresh air are great ways to boost your mood. If you’re not able to go for a walk while maintaining social distancing, then just sitting by a balcony, opening a window and getting some fresh air and sunlight is a great way to reap the benefits at home.
If you want more tips from our doctors, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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